Did you know that CAMPUS CONTERN offers you quick and easy access to carpooling with not only your colleagues but also all the other residents of CAMPUS?
You have two options to get started (and one does not exclude the other) :
- You can register on our application thanks to the screens in the lobby of each of the buildings: there is a section in the services section which allows you to use the interactive screens to record your return trip, at certain times, on certain days etc … Once saved, your trip will be visible to other users and you can get in touch to share the trip.
- You may also use the website www.copilote.lu : we have created a CAMPUS CONTERN community that works the same way: you offer a route and if someone is interested, they will contact you. It is even wider than the Campus, you can share with other sites or companies in the Weiergewann zoning such as Dupont or others.
Car pooling is cheaper, greener and above all a chance to meet new people in the area …
Give it a try and enjoy the ride!