To date our tenants have responded very well and protected their teams, for 2 months our parking lots have been empty. THANK YOU!
Even in recent days, only 25 cars are using the car parks on average per day, a sign that recovery is taking place gently and carefully.
We have taken various steps to facilitate the return to the office when our tenants are ready. On video it is here, if not read below.
What we have already implemented:
We asked everyone to keep safe distances on the stairs and not to share the elevators: one person at a time. Ideally, avoid touching the walls or banisters as much as possible.
Disinfection is an important point for feeling safe, so we ordered touch-free hand sanitizer dispensers for each of the site’s external entrances as well as all the entrance locks to the underground parking lot. They will be installed at the end of May, the shortest time we have been able to obtain from our supplier.
We have distributed a small stock of masks to each of the companies on the site and we will coordinate a global order so that each company can, if it is not already done, easily equip itself. That’s the whole point of living on a Campus: we share resources and ideas.
The Event room and the fitness room will remain closed until September 1st. The official date is July 31, but we want to take advantage of the holidays to keep them closed for another month.
Our Bioorg ecosystem has been renewed to assure our tenants of the air quality in our buildings. It will be renewed 3 more times this year to remove fine particles and pollutants naturally present in the ambient air.
What we are going to do:
We plan to change the air filters as a precaution. They have been changed recently but let’s be careful, they will be renewed.
Events are cancelled until further notice to comply with social distancing directives. We hope to be able to reschedule our annual barbecue soon, for example.
The Njörd restaurant will be the only public place to reopen on the Campus Contern. We don’t have a fixed date yet. The specific safety instructions will be detailed at the entrance to the restaurant.
Together, we keep working to * live better * on our Campus.